Tag Archives: schedules


10 Feb

That agenda, up there, yep, that’s my life.  Typically I’d say that my cellphone is my life.  My cellphone goes wherever I go and is pretty much attached to me.  BUT my agenda(s) are even more important than my phone.  I know, I know, I could just get rid of the agenda and use my phone calendar or get an app.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve tried that.  It’s not that I’m SO old school that I didn’t even give my phone a chance.  I did.  It’s just that, I remember things when I actually write them down.  I’m one of those people who has to use a pen and paper in order to really get my tasks done.  I need to be able to use a highlighter and highlight what has been completed, tick my to-do list and add tiny little notes only I can understand.  My phone just doesn’t cut it.

I could say “when I can do all of those things on my phone, then sure I’ll switch” but I know I can already.  Cellphones these days aren’t what they used to be, no need for T-9 texting, no sirry!  It’s just that when that reminder pops up on my iPhone screen, guess what I do?  I press cancel or ignore or any other “leave me alone!” options it gives me.  Whereas, with an actual agenda, that’s open in front of me, with all my to-dos and homework displayed, I can’t hit a single button and ignore it.  It’s there.  Boy, is it there.

You’ve figured I’m picky, well…yes, I am.  I’m even picky about the kind of agenda I use, teehee.  I need enough room to write everything down as well as a view of my entire week, rather than a day is a single page kinda’ deal.  Picky.  I’ve tried different ones and have found the one about to be my favourite and I haven’t even had it that long!

myAgenda is by momAgendas.  They’re gorgeous as well as incredibly useful.  You’ve got a section for your phone numbers, vacation plans, homework plans, notes, party plans, recipes…everything in an agenda that fits in your purse.  Okay, well maybe not.  I have fairly HUGE purses, so it fits in mine :).

Where can you get these?  Well, any Indigo or Chapters!  I got mine for $10, but typically they’re above $20.

